How Muslims Will Start Winning Again


Dear Reader:

In 1979, A Harvard study interviewed the graduates of the MBA program at Harvard to ask if they had goals in life. Ten years later, in 1989, the researchers interviewed the members of that class again.

Having graduated from such a prestigious program, they were all, as expected, doing very well in their careers, but…

Some of the graduates were doing better than others—13 percent of them were earning, on average, twice as much as their classmates.

The reason: by the simple fact of having goals in life.

But what shocked the researchers was that 3 percent of the graduates (who also had goals) were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97 percent all together.

What made the difference?

Have you ever wondered, as I have, what makes this kind of difference in people’s lives? It isn’t always an innate intelligence or talent or dedication. It isn’t that one person wants success and the other doesn’t.

The difference lies in what each person knows and how he or she makes use of that knowledge.

And that is why I am writing to you and to people like you about Strategic Sunnah. Because this is precisely the purpose of this newsletter:

To take the key lessons from the most successful people in history and make it accessible to its readers—so we can use it to advance Muslim Betterment.

A publication unlike any other

You see, Strategic Sunnah is a unique publication.

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Knowledge is power

Right now, I’m looking at this newsletter’s growing archive (over 130 editions and counting)… arguably the most useful range of ideas for Muslims who are fed up with debates, fearmongering, media bias and divisive content…

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It combines all the important topics today for those concerned with improving their lives and the lives of Muslims around the world.

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In particular, I’m looking at probably the most important topic covered in Strategic Sunnah: the goal setting guide.

A guide which holds the key to unlocking your full potential. Potential to change your life and the live’s of Muslims everywhere… it gifts you the knowledge of what was the single difference the 3 percent of the graduates interviewed did that enabled them to earn ten times more than all their classmates together.

(If you know how much a Harvard MBA graduate earns on average, you will recognise how truly astonishing this statistic is.)

It’s knowledge like this I’m bringing to subscribers of Strategic Sunnah so we can use it for… rather than against… Muslim Betterment.

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About those classmates I mentioned at the beginning of this letter

They graduated from the same MBA program at Harvard and were all interviewed exactly ten years later. So what made 3 percent of them earn ten times more on average than the whole class all together?

Knowledge. Practical knowledge. And it’s application… of the skill the goal setting guide goes into great detail teaching subscribers…

That is literally changing their lives...

It's a goal setting journey (reimagined for Muslims) that is made up of SIX easy to follow steps, explained in simple language, to reveal EXACTLY the path YOU need to take to LITERALLY achieve anything you set your mind to...

...And the full guide with all the steps (and the goal setting secret they teach you) is only available to paid subscribers.

Subscribe now to make it yours forever.

An investment in success

I can’t promise you that success will be instantly yours if you start reading Strategic Sunnah. But I can guarantee that you will find the newsletter always interesting, always reliable and always useful.


Jun @ strategic Sunnah

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✔️ Daily insights on Muslim Betterment straight to your inbox
✔️ Full step-by-step goal setting guide on how to copy the Harvard success secret
✔️ Full access to the halal income guides
✔️ Early Access to upcoming Strategic Sunnah projects (book summaries, goal setting and accountability platform, additional emails on new topics and more) coming soon inshallah

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